Monday 30 September 2013


We celebrate Qurbani on 10th of Zil-Hijja according to Islamic calendar every year. It is the biggest festival of Islam which is celebrated all around the globe where Muslims are present.  Sometimes, we as a Muslim think of Eid-ul-Azha just as an Islamic ritual to slaughter Halal animals for the sake of Allah (S.W.T.) and distribute the meat among unprivileged people.
Qurbani is a sacred ritual. Muslims buy healthier Halal animals, feed them, take care of them and protect them from every calamity. Thus they treat the animals as equals and when the day of Qurbani arrives they slaughter their beloved animal in the name of Allah Almighty. Allah loves His beings who obediently follow His commandments and spend their lives according to the Sunnah of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (P.B.U.H.).

Islam is the most splendid religion on earth. Its every ritual is not indeed aims at fulfilling religion hood but it has deep meanings and thus when we understand those deep meanings it has great impact in our lives as well. When Muslims fulfill every obligation of Allah (S.W.T.) they prove that they believe in the sanctity of Allah Almighty.
When Muslims perform Qurbani they actually understand that the blessings which Allah has bestowed upon them owe their existence to Allah (S.W.T.). These blessings are given by Allah (S.W.T.) and not a single human being can claim his ownership over them. It is the Allah Almighty who holds rest powers. By performing the obligation of Qurbani, Muslim revises the concept of Aqida Tauheed i.e. there is no such God but Allah.

The Qurbani obligation is mandatory to our every Muslim brothers and sisters who are wealthier enough to carry out such mission. The second, purposeful thought behind the concept of Islamic Qurbani is about accepting the crucial reality that our every possession our wealth and kids are a challenge to us. It means that Muslim shouldn’t forget Allah by indulging themselves in carrying out worldly tasks such as accumulating wealth and taking care of kids.
The third fact is that nothing should come first to Muslim but Allah Almighty. We should give up everything to execute the commandments of Allah Almighty. Hence, He is the sovereign authority over us and His sovereignty is universal.

Our beloved Prophets Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) and Hazrat Ismail (A.S.) both have shown their sincere passion to become obliging beings of Allah (S.W.T.).
Source by Pak Qurbani.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Does the husband have to pay for his wife's qurbani, or is she legally responsible to pay for herself in hajj?

Qurbani is obligatory on every Muslim regardless of their gender be it male or female they have to perform this sacred act in order to prove of their submission to ALLAH’s will and command. Everyone has to pay for their qurbani animal if they have reached puberty. However, it is the husband or father who can pay for their wife and children (not reached puberty) respectively.

If wife doesn’t have the required amount i.e. 613.35 grams of silver or any kind of wealth which is equivalent to it then it affirms that she is solely dependent on his husband for her maintenance and thus husband should pay for her wife’s qurbani. Similarly, it is with the children who are still looked after by their parents i.e. they are dependent but have reached the age of puberty then also father can perform the same role aforementioned for the husband. Father or husband, if they both can afford the expense of another qurbani other than their own, can perform this act on behalf of the dependent wife and his children. For this he will be definitely rewarded as it is his right to safeguard and take responsibility of them all.

Similar would be the case with the couple at Hajj where it is also permissible while performing qurbani that if wife is sahib-e-nisaab i.e.  She is wealthy enough to pay for her qurbani animal then she should do so. Otherwise it will not be wrong if asks of her husband to perform qurbani on her behalf as well.

It is thus concluded that qurbani cannot be neglected in any case except the conditions which make the laws lenient and easy-going when a Muslim cannot perform qurbani or when he wants to perform but is unaware of the rules that are to be followed prerequisite to qurbani at Hajj or simply at his own place.
Resource by Pak Qurbani.

Sharing in Sacrifice: Permissible or not

Sharing does not means to distribute your share of the animal’s meat with others, it also has a meaning that throws light on the share of the animal that is to be sacrificed and apportioned among people. Nowadays people cannot afford to purchase qurbani animal which is very expensive for the ones who want to follow this Sunnah but financial problems hinder their wish to be fulfilled as to please ALLAH Almighty.

From the sunnah we are taught how an animal can be shared by many. Sheep, goat or ram constitutes just one share i.e no other person can add his share of money in buying it. However, for cow and camel it is seven people who can contribute and thus perform qurbani at the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha. This method of adding one’s share in the animal which is to be slaughtered, benefits all from it whether some of them did not had the intention of qurbani and only wanted a share from the sacrificial animal’s meat. From many resources it has been traced down that in a sheep, goat or lamb our beloved Prophet Muhammad is not found to had let two people sharing one animal. Nevertheless, animals i.e cow and camel can permissibly uphold seven shares at a time. The seven members can be of the same family or else others can also be facilitated by this way in performing this sacred act as to commemorate Hazrat Ibrahim’s sacrifice of his most precious possession.

It is a really great thing for people who in their hearts know of the importance and the reward that is promised by ALLAH when one sacrifices animal solely as to prove of his love and submission of will to HIM. Therefore, sharing in sacrifice is permissible and each one is opportune to perform qurbani by willingly and the budget that allows them to purchase an animal for this holy event.

This sharing qurbani article is provided by, we have started our service to donate qurbani online in needy people and charity.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Other Types of Qurbani: Aqueeqa for a New Born Child

The qurbani which is most famous and popular among the rest is the slaughter of animal at the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha. However, there are other qurbani types too i.e Sadqa and Aqueeqa.
Sadqa is given as to save the person from any calamity which can harm him or take away his/her life. In it animal or even some part of its meat can be distributed among the ones who are particularly nominated to be the ones who can eat the meat distributed as to fulfill the conventions for sadqa.

On the other hand it is aqueeqa which is related to the new born child who is a blessing from ALLAH Almighty and thus Aqeeqa has to be performed as to free the Chile from impurities. It is also said that it makes the child obedient to his parents or inhibits the troubles or hardships that he will have to bear or pass through in his life. It has many explanations stated by great religious scholars. Most effectively it had been performed by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) on the birth of his grandsons Hassan and Hussain.

It is actually the removal or shaving off the newborn’s head and distributing meat of an animal which is as elucidated by our Last Prophet. Hazrat Aisha (R.A) narrates that "The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam instructed us to sacrifice two goats in favor of a boy and one goat in favor of a girl."(TIRMIDHI). It is advised to perform the act of shaving off the child on the 7th day after his birth which can be simplified by putting it this way that if the child was born on Monday then on Sunday Aqueeqa is to be performed. And if it was Tuesday then Monday will be the day on which by name of the child the animal be it a sheep or goat which is healthy and qualifies for qurbani, it should not be weak or sick, and must be one year old or looks healthy enough to be sacrificed as passing off to be one year old.

Thus Aqueeqa if not possible for the guardians or the ones who will be responsible to look after the child are not to take loan or ask someone else to pay for his/her Aqueeqa. If they can then they should follow what our religion teaches and demands to perform specifically on the seventh day after the child opens his eyes in the real world around him. Source by Onlinequrbanidonation .

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Online Qurbani Services Offered By Pak Qurbani

Online Qurbani

Qurbani is what is termed Wajib (obligatory) on a person who conforms completely to the requirements prescribed in the Islamic law for which he is suitable or in the basic sense of the word ELIGIBLE to perform qurbani to please ALLAH.
Muslims who live in far flung areas i.e. in places or in countries where they are either not facilitated with a place to perform animal slaughter at such an auspicious event as Eid-ul-Adha, or they are forbidden by the authorities of that region not to practice their Islamic ritual peacefully, in both the cases online qurbani has eased away all the troubles and turbulent times that our Muslim brothers had to face. PakQurbani has taken the initiative well on time when Eid is near at its arrival and people are looking for their qurbani animal as to slaughter the best animal for the sake of ALLAH. However, at PakQurbani you will not have to bother about the animal and the meat to be cut hygienically. Once you give PakQurbani the hold of everything by just paying for the Qurbani animal by Credit Card or via Western Union/ MoneyGram, then it’s their responsibility to perform Qurbani by your name and deliver meat to some specified Pick-up points from where their customers can easily collect it.

Their service is quite effective as for their team mates are available 24/7 to reply to your queries and questions. Moreover, the most unique part of their service is that they wait up to the 5th day of Eid for any of your designated or chosen person to whom you have asked to collect qurbani meat from the mentioned place at their website. If in case the meat is left with us them and the customer doesn’t arrive to take it with him then this portion of meat will be delivered to the welfare organizations serving the destitute and poor beings or itself the PakQurbani team will donate it to the deserving populace.
For more information and to book your Qurbani online, you can visit, contact or send them an email at: or +1-281-201-4601.

PakQurbani Launches Online Qurbani Service across the Globe launches an online qurbani service for Muslims dwelling anywhere in the world.
Qurbani is what every Muslim wishes to perform at the auspicious event of Eid-ul-Adha. However, due to lack of resources people do not get the opportunity to perform and rejuvenate the Sunnah of our Prophets but the inception of Online Qurbani organizations have reduced many of the troubles and now registering for a qurbani animal is just a click away.
PakQurbani is an online organization facilitating Muslims who desire to perform qurbani peacefully this time. The qurbani animal is looked well as to approve of his health and hygiene to the customers seeking ALLAH’s blessings by sacrificing the best animal and slaughtering it the way prescribed by Islamic Shariah.PakQurbani does not compromise on quality as it endeavors at providing its customershealthy meat at affordably low prices. Highly trained professionals are given the work to ensure the qurbani is performed with 100% HALAL method as proven by Shariah.

PakQurbani has provided an opportunity to Muslims seeking way to perform a better qurbani. A simple and quick form will register your name in the list who wish at their animal’s qurbani be done with complete assurance under PakQurbani’s banner. Payment for the sacrificial animal can be made using Credit Card through the PayPAl secured payment gateway.
The meat delivered has a proper packaging design as to make sure it reaches clean and fresh to our customer’s place.At your request it can also be distributed among the poor and destitute beings waiting at organizations that cater their needs at this ceremonious occasion. Furthermore, PakQurbani provides other services as Aqiqa and Sadqa too.With the emergence of such organization as PakQurbani, that is giving 24/7 Customer Care service to the customers, people have started to show their trust more than before in its team.
Those who wish to perform Qurbani using the service can browse the site for further details, and book their Qurbani now.
 For more information and to book your Qurbani online by visiting,or  you can contact or email: or +1-281-201-4601

Qurbani: Before and After in Pakistan

The Pros and Cons of Qurbani in Pakistan
10th Zil-Hajj of Islamic calendar marks the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Adha all over the muslim world. It is an even of great religious fervor and jubilation. In Pakistan Baqr Eid, as some call it, is celebrated with huge excitement. The preparations for the festive occasion starts well in advance with the animals for sacrifice being the star attraction. People of all ages, mostly children wait anxiously for this event all year as they enjoy it the most.
As mentioned above, the animals for sacrifice especially cows, bulls and goats are bought by people to perform the sacrificial act is offered to God in the remembrance of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S who tried to sacrifice his son to Allah. The meat is largely distributed among the relatives and needy people who can’t afford to buy or eat meat during the whole year.
Temporary cattle markets are setup across the length and breadth of the country from where the people buy goats, sheep, cows, camels, etc to sacrifice. This business is a major source of income for many industries, for example, the skin of animals are used in the leather industry for making shoes and other items related to leather.

The Season for Children to Rejoice

For at least 10 days or so, there is a festive environment all over the country. The animals for sacrifice are decorated and kept with great care. Children especially enjoy these days with taking care of those animals and take them for a ride and making sure they eat a lot of food and drink water so that they remain fit and healthy right till the day of sacrifice.

The Adverse Aspects of Qurbani inPakistan
But there is a downside amid all the fun and festive mood. People tend to block the streets and even main thoroughfares that cause much nuisance and hardship to people who use these to commute. This is mainly done in the name of security but there is no justification for causing trouble to other peoples for your sake. Another negative aspect is the litter and waste that spreads all over the area where the animals are kept. This is perhaps lack of common sense and care for the other people which cause these hardships for others.
And once the sacrificial act is done, there is more garbage on the streets and everywhere in Pakistan. The leftovers of animals after they are slaughtered are dumped onto the streets and open areas making the whole area polluted with pungent smell prevailing for many days. But people do bear these one or two negative aspects as this a religious obligation for every muslim to sacrifice animals if he has enough disposable money.

Division of the meat and what it Entails

The Significance of Division of Meat on Eid-ul-Adha
With the last month of the Islamic month comes one of the two holiest events that are Hajj and Eid-ul-Adha. The auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Adha is synonyms with the meat of cows, bulls and other sacrificial animals in Pakistan. As the slaughter of animals in such a huge quantity is done, the abundance of meat is obvious. Most of the meat is distributed among the poor and needy people who can’t afford the meat during any part of the year because of the exorbitant prices across the country.
People from all walks of life and regardless of their social status and class participate whole heartedly in distributing meat to the poor people. The meat is divided among the needy people chiefly by wealthy and affluent people in their homes as dozens of sacrificial animals are slaughtered there. They distribute meat in large quantities and no one leaves empty handed from their houses.

Role of NGOs in Division of Meat
There are several Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) all over the country which helps too in distribution and division of meat in a systematic form. They achieve this feat through donations which they collect from Pakistan and from people who send their donation from all over the world. Pakistanis residing in the Gulf countries, U.K and the USA send the bulk of amount. Even after the animals are sacrificed, the skins of these animals are a vital source of income for these NGOs as well as many local mosques, religious institute, etc collecting these from people to sell them to factories who convert it into leather.

The Responsibility of Government  
All the distribution and division of meat from Qurbani is done from the private sector and from the ordinary people on their own. There is no mechanism from the government side to facilitate the poor and needy people so that they can also celebrate this festive occasion with joy. Even there is no checking mechanism from the government regarding the prices of the animals that are bought by people for the purpose of sacrifice. This is also a big factor why many people who otherwise will also take part in the process of sacrifice are left with no choice but to rely on the meat distributed by affluent and wealthy people.
So it is clear from the discussion above that the division of meat is not done in a systematic manner and so this entails a clear message that this should be done so that the poor and needy people would also enjoy this occasion.