Tuesday 24 September 2013

Other Types of Qurbani: Aqueeqa for a New Born Child

The qurbani which is most famous and popular among the rest is the slaughter of animal at the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha. However, there are other qurbani types too i.e Sadqa and Aqueeqa.
Sadqa is given as to save the person from any calamity which can harm him or take away his/her life. In it animal or even some part of its meat can be distributed among the ones who are particularly nominated to be the ones who can eat the meat distributed as to fulfill the conventions for sadqa.

On the other hand it is aqueeqa which is related to the new born child who is a blessing from ALLAH Almighty and thus Aqeeqa has to be performed as to free the Chile from impurities. It is also said that it makes the child obedient to his parents or inhibits the troubles or hardships that he will have to bear or pass through in his life. It has many explanations stated by great religious scholars. Most effectively it had been performed by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) on the birth of his grandsons Hassan and Hussain.

It is actually the removal or shaving off the newborn’s head and distributing meat of an animal which is as elucidated by our Last Prophet. Hazrat Aisha (R.A) narrates that "The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam instructed us to sacrifice two goats in favor of a boy and one goat in favor of a girl."(TIRMIDHI). It is advised to perform the act of shaving off the child on the 7th day after his birth which can be simplified by putting it this way that if the child was born on Monday then on Sunday Aqueeqa is to be performed. And if it was Tuesday then Monday will be the day on which by name of the child the animal be it a sheep or goat which is healthy and qualifies for qurbani, it should not be weak or sick, and must be one year old or looks healthy enough to be sacrificed as passing off to be one year old.

Thus Aqueeqa if not possible for the guardians or the ones who will be responsible to look after the child are not to take loan or ask someone else to pay for his/her Aqueeqa. If they can then they should follow what our religion teaches and demands to perform specifically on the seventh day after the child opens his eyes in the real world around him. Source by Onlinequrbanidonation .

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