Tuesday 17 September 2013


1. Qurbani is Wajib (Obligatory) on all Muslims (male and female) who are sound of mind, Adults (have reached the age of puberty) and are the possessors of minimum Zakatable wealth (Nisab). It is not necessary that the ownership of such wealth be for a full year. 
2. Wife and children are not inclusive when a person performs Qurbani. However, it is his duty to see that his wife’s and adult children’s perform Qurbani if they are possessors of his wealth. 
3. Qurbani is Wajib (Obligatory), if a minor reaches the age of puberty and owns a certain amount that is in surplus of his/ her basic needs or a poor person becomes rich or a Musafir becomes a Muqeem i.e. by completing his journey or intending to stay in one place for 15 days or more before the sunset of the 12th Zil Hijjah then Qurbani is Wajib on them. 

4. Qurbani on behalf of a deceased person is Wajib (Obligatory) if he had made a Wasiyat (Will) that it should be undertaken form his wealth, provided the cost does not exceed one third of his net estate. 
5. Qurbani is Wajib (Obligatory) on a person who makes a Nazr (Vow) i.e. if a certain work of mine is carried out I will make Qurbani and then Qurbani becomes Wajib (Obligatory) on him when that task is accomplished. This Qurbani must be carried out in the days of Qurbani, unless it is generally excepted and understood that merely slaughtering an animal on ANY DAY is referred to as Qurbani, and this had been the intention of the person who made a vow, then it will be permissible for him to sacrifice an animal on any day. 
6. It is Wajib (obligatory) on a poor person to carry put Qurbani IF he buys an animal during the days of Qurbani. However, Qurbani will not remain Wajib (Obligatory) on him if this animal dies or gets lost. If to compensate he buys another animal and thereafter the first one is found, it becomes Wajib (Obligatory) upon him to sacrifice both animals. 

7. If the animal of the person on whom Qurbani is Wajib is lost, stolen or dies than that person has to sacrifice another animal in its place. A person on whom Qurbani is Wajib (Obligatory) purchased an animal for sacrifice. If the first animal is found after purchasing the second animal than it is Wajib on him to sacrifice the first animal but if he sacrifices the second animal then it is necessary to give as charity the difference in price between the two animals, if there be any e.g. the 1st animal had cost him Rs 40,000 and the second had cost him Rs 30,000. He should now give Rs 10,000 as charity. However, it is preferable to make Qurbani of both the animals. 
8. A person on whom Qurbani is Wajib(Obligatory) bought an animal for sacrifice but due to some reason he/ she did not slaughter it on the fixed days of Qurbani. It is now compulsory upon him/ her to give the animal away, alive, as charity. If he/ she did not purchase the animal and Qurbani was Wajib, it is obligatory for him/ her to give as charity, the value of an animal. 
9. A person has to give that many numbers of animals as charity on which Qurbani was Wajib but fails to carry it out for a number of years. But his missed Qurbani will not be compensated if he sacrifices that many number of animals on the day of Qurbani. This will be regarded as Voluntary Qurbani.
10. A Qurbani is invalid if a person carries out Qurbani on behalf of another person on whom Qurbani is Wajib, without his permission and without his knowing. If it is done with his permission or instruction it is permissible. 
11. Qurbani is an Ibadat that has to be carried out every year on which it is Wajib (Obligatory). Qurbani is not just Wajib (Obligatory) for people who perform Hajj.  

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